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A new year resolution

First week back-a new year. A time to make resolutions, a time for me to better myself and the business. What would I change from last year? What does Stevie English Hair want from the upcoming year? Last year was amazing, and I wouldn't change a single thing. But what can we do better this year? We recycle everything, well almost, a worm farm is coming. I would like to get a bit more involved in the Glebe community, I really love this area and how we have fit in here.
We are going to open "Alfresco Hairdressing" in our courtyard, hopefully in February. Later in the year we are going to open the Academy. (top secret i have said too much)
Our goals for the year:

  1. Have Fun
  2. Open the courtyard up
  3. Open the academy
  4. To be Talked about a little bit more
  5. Have fun
  6. To create trends not follow them
  7. To grow as a team
  8. To be involved in the Glebe community
  9. Have more fun

Our clients come first, and anything else comes second. I'm putting goals up so we have not forgotten them by Australia Day. I feel really good about this year!

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A Year In Reflection

It's been a year of milestones-I'm another year older, the salon had its first birthday, and:

  1. We got published in Magazines (Instyle, Womens Health, Marie Claire, Oyster, Madison, Empower and a few more)
  2. Winner of best salon in Sydney voted by readers.
  3. Finalist for the city of Sydney business awards.
  4. Nominated by the Lord Mayor for a Sustainability Award.
  5. We directed hair shows for O&M and Nina Maya.
  6. We worked on Sydney, and Melbourne fashion weeks, doing such labels as Gorman, Ginger and Smart, Finetti, White Suede, Antipodean, Camilla Frank, Nicholas Molli and many more!
  7. Hair for the Sony Foundation ball, Chambord Shine Awards.
  8. The Seafolly launch for their new collection( one of my personal favs)
  9. We were chosen by Vodafone and Kahdo to be a sponsored driver!
  10. I starred in Adverts for O&M and Vodafone they are coming out next year (scary, no really scary)
  11. We also directed a show and commercial for Pushplay jeans.

Wow! What a year, and I'm sure there are things I have forgotten. 2008 has been a great year. The team has grown, our client base has grown. I am so happy with life here at the English, and its really down to the team around me, from my family, to the girls at work and my friends. To everybody who has supported us this year THANK YOU . Next year will be bigger, better and more fun. We came, we saw and we conquered!

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Too Busy to Blog

Well its been more than a week since I last blogged, the reason is we have been so busy. The team and I have been working some serious hours. The Christmas Cheer is in the air. Four more days till Christmas. We have had our two biggest weeks ever at the English, and we are all really looking forward to having a break. Verity is off to New Zealand for the holidays and will not be in the salon till the 7th of Jan Zoe is off from Christmas eve and will be back on the 6th of Jan. Myself and Kirsty are working till Christmas Eve and then having four days off to be back from the 29th, 30th and 31st, then five days off. WOOHOO
We now have a new reminder of appointment system, which you will get via email, so we will check your email addresses more often or if you change it please notifiy us.
Happy days happy Holidays!

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Movie In The Salon

So we had an Australian Movie , shooting some scenes in the salon. It was amazing to watch, these actors turning it on. It was a lot of fun, i got to do the hair and gave the actor who was playing a hairdresser a few tips. Think he camped it up a little bit, or maybe im camp?

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Lights, Camara, Action

I have just finished shooting a vodafone advert ,no im not giving up my day job, and im not expecting any job offers. I'm lucky enough to be given a car from Vodafone, and to be asked to be in one of their commercials is really cool. We filmed most of it here in the salon, and some of me driving. So super cool advertising for Stevie English Hair.
This monday we have an Australian feature film been filmed in the salon, only a few sceens but should be fun and interesting. And again some good advertising for us here at the English.

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The Party Season

Christmas draws closer, the weather warms right up, and people in Sydney are partying! We at the English have had another great week, and today is our first ever Sunday trading.
Christmas party is on a roll, and tonight is the night. Im sorry if anyone see's any of us tonight, you might get sense out of some of us, but you might not! We have had a wonderful year and the we are going to let down our hair.

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The first year is the hardest, thats what everybody has said. We started with Kirsty and myself, now there is eight.
The party was a success, hairdressers love a party and the crew here are happy to party, so if their were no guests we would have fun, but as 150 to 200 people turned up over the course of the evening, a lot of fun was had. Im sure there was some sore heads after some cheap champagne and lots of Pimms. Im not putting any really messy photos, of which i have quite alot. To all of those that came out thank you. To everybody that has suppoerted Stevie English Hair over the last year thank you.

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Pushplay At The Paddinton Inn

Yesterday Miss V, Zoe and Jake along with Adrian Alston and the crew from Pushplay put on an amazing show up at the Paddington Inn. We had a shoot going on whilst their were dancers models, Brazilian samba drums, artists.
The girls ran denim in the hair of everyone to tie in with the denim brief. Yhe Paddo Inn was going off. A lot of fun was had by all. Thanks to Tiger beer for sponsoring it. Also Oyster T.v. and Mag were there. So watch out for the editorial.

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Pushplay And The Paddington Inn

On Wednesday evening at the Paddington Inn There is going to be a a super fly event. www.Pushplay.com.au Are putting on Live dancers, performers its an Art instillation. Stevie English Hair is doing the all the hair, i wont give too much away but we are using denim off cuts from the boys. We are also having a live photoshoot going on. Its going to be a great night, cheap Tiger beers, male and female models, what more do we want. Also the chance to re-cycle your old jeans, bring in an the old denim that you don't wear, and Pushplay will give you a $50 dollar credit to buy a cool new pair of pushplay jeans! Alright.
Tiger beer, cool jeans, dancers, models very coooooooooool hair sounds like fun! see you there!

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Chamboard Shine Awards

I have a little late post this week. Stevie English has had another great week. We were asked to do hair for the Chamboard Shine Awards. We had a new member join the team and at last another boy in the place, so welcome Jake. And one of our busiest weeks ever in the salon. Thats my excuse for the late post.
The Chamboard Shine Awards were held at W hotel in Woolloomooloo Their were ten designers all up and coming, they had one model each to create one look. We worked with them closely to help perfect their vision. A few pics of the team back stage. The final pics will be going up on the gallerys on the salon website, not long till that is finished off. Yipee.

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Glebe Street Festival

So its a Sunday and the team and i are out in force. Along with half of Sydney. Handing out flyers. We have had a chair doing some hair up outside. Thanks to all who came to say hello! We love Glebe!

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